1. Is ShasPod affiliated with Apple?


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  2. How much does the ShasPod Cost?

    $399 plus $20 for shipping and handling, which includes a 20GB iPod preloaded with the Daf Yomi shiurim from Rabbi Dovid Grossman. Compare this to the full set of Artscroll Gemaras at 5X the cost ($1999). And don't forget... you can fit the ShasPod in your pocket!

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  3. How long will the introductory Siyum Hashas price last for?

    The original date was March 15, 2005, but due to high demand, we have extended the date!!! We will continue to keep the special available for the next week.

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  4. How long will it take for my ShasPod to arrive?

    Please allow 7-10 business days for arrival.

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  5. What is the typical retail price for a 20GB iPod?


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  6. How many shiurim are on the ShasPod?

    2,711 – one for every page in the Talmud.

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  7. How long is each shiur?

    Between 30 - 60 minutes.

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  8. What language are the shiurim in?

    English mixed with Aramaic (the language of the Talmud) and some hebrew phrases.

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  9. Can I hear a sample shiur?

    Click Here.

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  10. Who is the maggid shiur?

    Rabbi Dovid Grossman of Los Angeles, California .

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  11. How are files organized on the ShasPod?

    The ShasPod was converted from tapes. As such, they are indexed first by Masechta and then by tape (side A then side B). We recommend using the ShasPod as a tool to learn the Daf Yomi according to the Daf Yomi calendar. As a reference tool, the ShasPod is a little more difficult to use. There will be an index database on the website shortly wherein users can enter where each daf starts and stops for the benefit of the other ShasPod users.

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  12. Is there a warranty that comes with the ShasPod?

    Yes. Each iPod is covered by a standard limited one year warranty from Apple.

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  13. Who should I call if my ShasPod is defective?

    If your ShasPod arrives defective, please contact us via
    info@shaspods.com and we will be happy to replace it within 15 days of your purchase. If the iPod has problems after that date, please call Apple for technical support. They have the technical expertise to deal with any issues that may arise. Please note that we recommend that you back up the ShasPod onto a computer with the iTunes program provided with the ShasPod in case any files are accidentally deleted.

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  14. Can I put anything else on the ShasPod?

    Yes. There is approximatly 7 gigabytes of free space, which can hold approximately 1,700 songs .

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  15. Do you ship internationally?

    At this time we can only ship orders to the United States of America and Canada. Please note that customers outside the USA may be subject to custom fees.

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